Restaurant consulting is a part of my work that I truly enjoy. Giving a tired menu a new life can bring more business to any restaurant. Most of my dishes are one of a kind, with an emphasis on local ingredients and techniques. Having a lively new menu can be exciting for both the staff and the locals, not to mention the tourists who will come back regularly.

If you're serious about running a professional and profitable restaurant, I will come to your location and design a menu that meets your approval and teach the staff how to prepare each dish, with the focus being on dishes that are not only delicious, but beautiful in presentation.

I've lived all over the world, feel at home just about anywhere I am, and get along with everybody. I have no ego. I don't want to take over anyone's kitchen. To me, this is like art. You have the canvas, and I have the vision for taste.

Rates are different, depending on the job, so let's talk!

I look forward to meeting you and your staff.

Live Well,

Joni Dennis

(252) 728.4601
PO Box 331
Beaufort, NC 28516